A Positive Outlook of Working From Home
Disclaimer: The content of this blog are my views, observations and understanding about the topic based on my personal experience.
Working from home was never a compulsion but an option most needed by people working in cubicles, craving for the added comfort and relaxation. Accepting this new change in the workplace setting has kept us thinking of going back to the hustling lifestyle of morning traffic commutes, office group meetings and lunches. But we first need to admit that working from home and working from the office are incomparable. The current global pandemic situation has made sure that we are stuck in our homes, looking for productivity.
We can think of some points to make this whole situation manageable and suitable for our mental health.
A Manageable Workspace
It is important to separate our workspace from any other space in the house. Buying a new bed table won’t make you active and get you through your meetings. Arranging a workspace with basic supplies like appropriate space with basic furniture, lighting and electronic devices like laptops, tablets, etc. for work will make all the difference, as these will be around you adding to your convenience.
Set a Schedule
All this spare time following social distancing and staying at home has made a dopamine-release craving machine. We are mostly about binge eating with binge-watching movies on our ‘watch later’ playlists on entertainment-based online platforms. In the midst of this, the task of scheduling the day is no longer present in our lives. Whether we are working from home or not going out for work, it is highly important to set a schedule for the day. We must set timelines for work and family. Marking minimal tasks done on a to-do list throughout the day is the right dopamine release we need to crave for.
Make a New Hobby
Moreover, there have been so many ideas and hobbies that were never thought on or picked up due to the daily struggles we had before lockdown. This is the best time for getting our hands dirty. Picking up a hobby like learning a guitar from online courses or working on a personal project idea will help in maintaining the work-life balance and the flow of creativity in the day. Even taking the first step towards writing your first blog or gaining a new professional skill will help you get in the habit of goal setting and achievement, which is highly needed for mental stimulation during this period of isolation.
Family Time
The majority of us have been planning for a vacation or a weekend getaway for that much-needed break and long-awaited family time. The only good thing about the current situation is that we have spent more time with our families and we’ve been able to connect more. Talking endlessly over family stuff and life, eating together, and creating endless memories is the need of the hour. Don’t forget the pets, though! Cuddle up for some extra coziness.
Get Some Air
Lastly, step out and get some air. Walking around your residence or taking a long stroll in our balconies will help you get that fresh air and daylight. Staying away from the digital world and work chaos will set a good mood and help relax our minds, giving us time to recharge and boost our productivity for the following day.
Tough times don’t stay forever. They will go away. We need to be patient and keep ourselves calm. Every day is a new beginning, so keep striving for better times and stay sane.
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